How do I request a review?

Become a Raytron or an Ickle Raytron on Patreon and submit monthly requests to the Randomised Review Rotator.

What sort of stuff do you review?

Mostly films, but sometimes some music, telly, and also sporting events and activities. If it looks like a giggle, I’ll give it a go.

Is there owt you won’t review?

Can’t do owt that’s too mucky or offensive. Or owt that’s a proper load of rubbish. Love Island was a bit of a stretch, cos it weren’t really my cup of tea.

What is Ray Ruttle’s Race Night?

Ray Ruttle’s Race Night was launched in May 2020 at the height of the Covid-19 lockdown in a bid to restore regular live sport to the calendar. Race Night’s run every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7.30pm on the Ray Ruttle’s Race Night YouTube channel.

Who is Ickle Ray?

To cut a long story short, unbeknownst to me sen, Ickle Ray was gestating inside me whilst I was filming me review of the Alien franchise. He pops up every now and then to say “ey up” and have an ickle chat.